About Me

About Me

I'm Jeremy Paddison, aka Paddo. I'm a Software Engineer currently based in Brisbane, Australia.

I've been writing code since the 80s, starting on Commodore VIC-20. I worked my way up through the ranks: C64, Amiga, Amstrad and PC on many flavours of BASIC with some C and Assembler thrown in. I still have fond memories of AMOS on Amiga.

I have experience in a variety of programming languages, platforms and across all scales. A large part of my career has been spent doing "Enterprisey" .NET full-stack architecture and dev-ops. I've been actively building startups and startup product teams since 2010.

I believe in clean, simple, easy to maintain code and "automation of all the things".

Stuff I'm doing currently

scale-ups, micro-saas, gen ai, flutter, dart, svelte, htmx, .net, go, firebase / google cloud, azure, iac, dev-ops and self-hosting.

In 2013 I was named Top Technologist by Startup Daily.


Github Profile